Don’t worry about having to provide your payment upfront for a service or procedure you want or need. Our patients are offered 0% financing to assist with spreading out payments in amounts that each individual feels comfortable with. Call the practice to speak with our Office Manager prior to your appointment with any questions you have and create a transparent payment plan together.
Our services range in cost and depending on your insurance provider, you might receive partial or full coverage on certain procedures or services. Our team can contact your insurance provider to inquire about what is covered for the particular procedure you want and we can also apply an additional referral credit to the amount owed if you have referred any new patients to the practice.
Remember that sharing is caring! You can receive credits and large discounts on various services when you refer friends and family to the practice. These offers change frequently, call the practice to learn more!
Some of the services our patients have received payment plans for are services like:
- Fillings
- Veneers
- Bonding
- Root Canal
- 3/4 Crown
- Invisalign