Floss Like A Boss

floss like a boss

Do you floss every day!

It is SO important to floss after every meal, if you don’t, food particles can get stuck in-between your teeth for days which causes decay, plaque buildup, and bad breath. Your toothbrush cannot reach the tight spaces between your teeth so you can’t just rely on brushing to keep your smile healthy. In order to floss properly, gently curve the floss around the base of each tooth in a C-shape, making sure you go beneath the gum line. There are a lot of great floss brands, we recommend Dr. Tung’s Smart Floss, it is clinically proven to remove up to 55% MORE plaque than regular flosses. It stretches and expands into interdental spaces to clean better and is gentler on gums. You can either purchase it through the office or on Amazon!

Top 5 reasons to use Dr. Tung’s Smart Floss

  1. Natural cardamom flavor for a vibrant fresh feeling!
  2. Lightly waxed with a natural blend of vegetable and beeswax (no petrochemical wax)
  3. Gluten-free. PTFE-free. BPA-free
  4. Made of simple polyester fibers
  5. Dispenser made with EcoPure will degrade faster in a landfill than regular plastic (which can take up to 100 years)


Make a Change today.

Call our office at (617) 423-6777 for your Appointment!